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  • 姓名:刘全勇

  • 职称:讲师
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱:liu_quanyong@buaa.edu.cn
  • 办公地址:沙河校区实验7号楼502


1998.9-2001.7 沈阳化工大学材料学院复合材料系 大学本科
2002.9-2007.7 北京化工大学材料学院材料系 博士(硕博连读)


2007.7-2009.6 北京化工大学生命学院化学工程与技术专业 博士后
2009.6-至今   威廉williamhill官网化学与环境学院 讲师






1. 主持完成国家自然科学青年基金1项(51003003,“仿生弹性体纤维的构筑及结构与性能研究”);
2. 参与完成北航2015教改项目1项(教改题目:通过分析化学实验课教学改革探索高素质化学专业本科人才培养方法)。


1. 刘全勇, 王耀, 赵学航. 分析化学实验教学的体会及对课程教学的探讨. 高等理科教育, 2016, (5):84-92.
2. Liu QY, Gao L, Jiang L. Biomimetic preparation and multi-scale microstructures of nano-silica/polyurethane elastomeric fibers. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2013, 23(6): 532-542.
3. Liu QY, Zhang LQ, Jiang L. Biomimetic preparation of elastomeric fibers with micro/nano structures on the surfaces. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2012, 22(5): 493-501.
4. Liu QY, Jiang L, Shi R, Zhang LQ. Synthesis, preparation, in vitro degradation, and application of novel degradable bioelastomers—A review. Progress in Polymer Science, 2012, 37(5): 715-765.
5. Liu QY, Hu QH, Zhang LQ. Preparation, structure and properties of nano-silica/poly(glycerol-sebacate-citrate) bioelastomer composites by solvent-assistant in-situ dispersion technique. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2011, 28: 1-7.
6. Liu QY, Zhang LQ, Shi R. Degradable bioelastomers: synthesis and biodegradation. Handbook of applied biopolymer technology (RSC Publishing), 2011, Chapter 8: 243-290.
7. 刘全勇, 江雷. 具有多级微纳米结构的弹性纤维及其仿生制备方法. 国家发明专利, 2011, 专利申请号: 201110365075.6 (专利公开号: CN102517687A).
8. 翁靖一, 卢咏来, 王润国, 刘全勇*. 口香糖及其发展趋势和思考. 食品工业科技, 2011, 32(7): 440-443.
9. Liu QY, Jiang L. Bionics and biomimetic materials bioinspired by natural spider silks. Cheml J Chin Univ 2010, 31: 1065-71.
10. Liu QY, Wu SZ, Tan TW, Weng JY, Zhang LQ, Liu L,Tian W, Chen DF. Preparation and properties of a novel biodegradable polyester elastomer with functional groups. Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, 2009, 20(11): 1567-1578.
11. Liu QY, Wu JY, Tan TW, Zhang LQ, Chen DF, Tian W. Preparation, properties and cytotoxicity evaluation of a biodegradable polyester elastomer composite. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2009, 94: 1427-1435.
12. Liu QY, Tan TW, Weng JY, Zhang LQ. Study on the control of the compositions and properties of a biodegradable polyester elastomer. Biomedical Materials, 2009, 4: 025015.
13. 刘全勇, 谭天伟, 翁靖一, 张立群, 田伟. 一种新型可生物降解聚酯弹性体的制备及性能. 现代化工, 2008, 28(8): 49-52.
14. Liu QY, Tian M, Shi R, Zhang LQ, Chen DF, Tian W. Structure and properties of thermoplastic poly(glycerol-sebacate) elastomers originating from prepolymers with different molecular weights. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007, 104: 1131-1137.
15. Liu QY, Tian M, Ding T, Shi R, Feng YX, Zhang LQ, Chen DF, Tian W. Preparation and characterization of a thermoplastic poly(glycerol-sebacate) elastomer by two-step method. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007, 103: 1412-1419.
16. Shi R, Liu QY, Ding T, Han YM, Zhang LQ, Chen DF, Tian W. Ageing of soft thermoplastic starch with high glycerol content. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007, 103: 574-586.
17. 刘全勇, 吴珺玥, 石锐, 张子政, 雷丽娟, 张立群, 陈大福. 可降解生物弹性体的研究进展. 特种橡胶制品, 2007, 28(2): 47-53.
18. Ding T, Liu QY, Shi R, Tian M, Yang J, Zhang LQ. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro degradation study of a novel and rapidly degradable elastomer. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2006, 91: 733-739.
19. 刘全勇, 冯予星, 丁涛, 石锐, 蔡晴, 张立群. 可生物降解聚癸二酸丙三醇酯弹性体的制备及表征. 合成橡胶工业, 2006, 29(1): 18-21.
20. Liu QY, Tian M, Ding T, Shi R, Zhang LQ. Preparation and characterization of a biodegradable polyester elastomer with thermal processing abilities. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2005, 98: 2033-2041.