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  • 姓名:刘丽

  • 职称:副教授
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱:lililiu@buaa.edu.cn
  • 办公地址:沙河校区实验7号楼509


2008.9-2011.7     中国科学技术大学 环境工程系 博士研究生


2011.7-2012.4    威廉williamhill官网化学与环境学院 博士后
2012.5-2015.1    丹麦技术大学(Technical University of Denmark)博士后
2015.4-2016.6    美国克莱姆森大学(Clemson University) 博士后
2018.2-2019.8    英国伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)访问学者
2016.9-至今      威廉williamhill官网威廉希尔中文网站平台 副教授


The First-Class Prize of ORGANO Water Prize from ORGANA Company of Japan(2011)                        


(1) 水污染控制及资源回收
(2) 好氧颗粒污泥及新型生物膜处理技术
(3) 污染物生物降解微观解析及数学模型
(4) 微流控技术
(5) 微污染物生物共代谢
(6) 抗生素抗性基因水平转移机制
(7) 微塑料表面生物膜
(8) 水凝胶微生物
更多研究详细信息欢迎邮件咨询:lililiu@buaa.edu.cn (来信必回复)


1) 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,主持,2021-2024
2) 国家重点实验室开放课题基金项目,主持,2020-2022
3) 国家自然科学基金-青年项目,主持,2017-2020
4) 北航青年拔尖人才,主持,2017-2020
5) 北航“卓越百人”启动经费,主持, 2016


研究围绕废水处理及污染物生物降解,采用微观解析及数学建模的方法进行深入研究,取得系列成果:在环境领域和水处理领域权威期刊Environmental Science & Technology以及Water Research上发表SCI论文10余篇,其中以第一作者身份在环境领域国际期刊Environmental Science & Technology发表文章5篇;此外,化工领域的顶尖期刊AIChE Journal以封面文章报导了“在好氧颗粒污泥传质及水动力学行为”方面的研究工作。2011年7月,获得日本奥加诺株式会社“奥加诺(水质与环境)奖学金”一等奖。2014年受邀第十五届微生物生态学会(International Society of Microbial Ecology,ISME, Seoul,2014)做大会报告;2019年受邀英国微生物年会(Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Belfast, UK, 2019)做大会报告。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Publications
1. Li, Liu, Helbling, D.E., Kohler, H.P.-K., Smets, B., “Modelling carbofuran biotransformation by Novosphingobium sp. KN65.2 in the presence of coincidental carbon and indigenous microbes” Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 2019, 5, 798-807.
2. Li Liu, Philip Binning, Barth F. Smets. Evaluating alternate biokinetic models for trace pollutant cometabolism. Environmental Science &Technology. 2015, 49: 2230-2236.
3. Li Liu, Damian E. Helbling, Hans-Peter E. Kohler, Barth F. Smets. A model framework to describe growth-linked biodegradation of trace-level pollutant in the presence of coincidental carbon substrates and microbes. Environmental Science &Technology. 2014, 48: 13358-13366.
4. Li Liu, Chen Qian, Lei Jiang and Han-Qing Yu. Direct Three-Dimensional Characterization and Multiscale Visualization of Wheat Straw Deconstruction by White Rot Fungus. Environmental Science &Technology. 2014, 48, 9819-9825.
5. Li Liu, Wen-Wei Li, Guo-Ping Sheng, Zhi-Feng Liu, Raymond J. Zeng, Jun-Xin Liu, Han-Qing Yu, Duu-Jong Lee. Micro-scale hydrodynamic analysis of aerobic granules in the mass transfer process. Environmental Science &Technology. 2010, 44: 7555-7560.
6. Li Liu, Guo-Ping Sheng, Zhi-Feng Liu, Wen-Wei Li, Raymond J. Zeng, Duu-Jong Lee, Jun-Xin Liu, Han-Qing Yu. Characterization of multiporous structure and oxygen transfer inside aerobic granules with the percolation model. Environmental Science &Technology. 2010, 44: 8535-8540.
7. Li Liu, Wen-Wei Li, Guo-Ping Sheng, Raymond J. Zeng, Han-Qing Yu. Experimental and numerical analysis of the hydrodynamic behaviors of aerobic granules. AIChE Journal. 2011, 57(10): 2909-2916. (Cover paper)
8. Li Liu, Guo-Ping Sheng, Han-Qing Yu. Cultivation of aerobic granular sludge with the chemical industrial toxic wastewater. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2011, 57: 7-12.
9. Ting-Ting Ren, Li Liu, Guo-Ping Sheng, Xian-Wei Liu, Han-Qing Yu, Ming-Chuan Zhang, Jian-Rong Zhu. Calcium spatial distribution in aerobic granules and its effects on granule structure, strength and bioactivity. Water Research. 2008, 42: 3343-3352.
10. Ting-Ting Ren, Yang Mu, Li Liu, Xiao-Yan Li, Han-Qing Yu. Quantification of the shear stresses in a microbial granular sludge reactor. Water Research. 2009, 43: 4643-4651.
11. Li Liu, Ting-Ting Ren, De-Qian Xu, Han-Qing Yu. Cultivation and characterization of the high strength aerobic granular sludge. China Environmental Science. 2008, 28: 360-364.
1. Li Liu, oral presentation. The effect of antibiotic and nutrient limitation to antibiotic resistant bacteria in single-cell level. Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2019, 8th April, 2019, Belfast, UK.
2. Li Liu, poster presentation. Novel microfluidics and individual-based modelling for spatiotemporal studies of antibiotic resistance of microbial individual cells and populations. 17th ISME (International Symposium on Microbial Ecology), August 12th, 2018, Leipzig, Germany.
3. Li Liu, oral presentation. Experimental validation of a novel biokinetic model framework for modeling trace pollutant biodegradation in natural waters.15th ISME (International Symposium on Microbial Ecology), August 28th, 2014, Seoul, Korea.
4. Li Liu, poster presentation. Experimental validation of a novel biokinetic model framework for modeling trace pollutant biodegradation in natural waters.15th ISME (International Symposium on Microbial Ecology), August 29th, 2014, Seoul, Korea.
5. Li Liu, oral presentation. Biofilm model to provide in silico predictions of micropollutant biodegration. 6th International Conference on Microbial Biofilms. May, 2014, Vienna, Austria.
6. Computational methods for spatially structured microbial populations. July 1st-3rd, 2013 St. Edinburgh, UK
7. 8th IWA Specialist Conference on Assessment and Control of Micropollutants/Hazardous Substances in Water. 2013, Zurich, Switzerland.
8. 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.
9. Li Liu, Guo-Ping Sheng, Duu-Jong Lee, Jun-Xin Liu, Han-Qing Yu. Micro-scale hydrodynamic analysis of aerobic granules in the mass transfer process. The 4st National Conference for PhD Candidates in the Field of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2010, Beijing, China.



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